FREE REMOTE LESSON Reveals: 'How To Start Transforming Your Golf Swing Using 3D Motion Measurement'

NEW: How To Become The Best Golfer In Your Group.. Even If You Currently Suck!

If you want to become the best golfer in your group, or club.. even if you currently suck and even if you're on the verge of quitting.. please watch this video and read every word on this page because this may very well be the best way to build a swing you're actually proud of.. FAST!

Sign Up Before The Timer Hits Zero And Save $200

"I love all the high tec modern stuff, but like most golfers I'm unsure what to work on and how the swing flows together. That's where James comes in! With his online guidance and coaching, I'm now learning and improving faster and spending a fraction compared to what I used to spend on in person lessons with my local Pro. I highly recommend" - Pete Waterman - UK

Your card is NOT charged until 48 hrs after you sign up. During this time, simply download the app, capture your swing, and you'll recieve your first lesson from James.

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Finalize30 day challenge

Step 2:

Get Ready To Start Practicing Like The Pros

From The Desk of: James Parker, PGA
Allen, Texas, USA

Dear Friend,

I’m looking for some ideal new online students that I can help build a great golf swing with.

If you’re that golfer, I will personally work with you remotely, one on one on your golf swing to help you improve your contact, build a more powerful & repeatable action and help you hit more fairways and greens by showing you how to control the shape of your shots so you’re ultimately spending more time on the short grass.

You Pay ZERO out of Pocket

Here’s why:

The first thing I’m going to do for you is personally diagnose your swing and help you implement the changes needed.

I offer this service because I’m a PGA Professional that specializes in helping golfers like yourself build a swing and game – that they can be proud of..

..And also, I've found over the years that the best way to help someone - is to actually help them! For FREE!

If you find the video analysis I give you valuable, you might consider working with me more.

If this is the case, I normally charge $499/month (however if you sign up before the timer hits zero it's only $299/month) – which gives you unlimited Online/Remote Lessons so we can keep building upon the changes you’re making.

This should motivate you to practice more!

You see every time you capture your swing in 3D, as your coach I get a ping on my phone/Ipad.

This alerts me that one of my students is practicing.

I simply click on your profile, look at your latest swing recording and send you an analysis in the form of a voiceover/screen recording.

Within a few minutes you get a ping on your phone, with what to work on/feel/learn/understand to start taking your swing to the next level.

You can be on one side of the planet, I on the other, It still works the same!

We'll work together until you feel like you don’t need my help anymore.

There are no contracts or terms or anything like that.

You can cancel at any time.

You're basically hiring me as your swing coach on a monthly basis, and have full access to me.

It Really Is That Simple And There's No Catch

This is truly the closest thing to a free lesson you'll ever see!

And the reason why is I’m going to help you get results up front.. and then if you want me to keep doing that for you, simply pay me once a month from the money you’ll win in you’re “weekly bet” with your golfing friends.

It’s easy. Here’s how it’ll work:

Click any button on this page and complete the form.

Your card will then be on file, but it WILL NOT BE CHARGED for another 48hrs.

This is your FREE trial.

You'll recieve instructions on how to download the app that we'll be using.

When it's downloaded on your phone, create an FREE account and make me your coach (search for coach James Parker).

Then you'll go to the range, or your net in your backyard or garage, or your home simulator, or your prefered indoor golf facility, or the golf course - and video your swing from face-on using the app.

Once it shows on your feed, as I'm now registered as your coach, I get a ping so I know to send you a voiceover.

Assuming you’re happy and you can see the huge benefits of such an arrangement, you’ll probably want to continue working together long term.

I mean – who wouldn’t want to consistently build a better swing month after month, right?

So if this is the case, all I ask is that you send me a portion of your new found winnings to pay me for my time and effort, which is currently only $499 $299/month.

and, if we keep working together over the next twelve months I’m confident I can help you build a swing and game that’s considerably better than the one you have at the moment..

Now, obviously this is an amazing offer which you’ll probably never see from any other “Golf Pro” out there.

Think about it..

I’m taking a chance on you by showing you how to improve your swing up front and then letting you pay me later if (and only if) we decide to work together for at least one more month.

Who Else Would Do That?

nobody (I checked).

But I’m happy to do it because I know I’ll help you get long term results if we work together.

The stuff I’m going to teach you works.

And I’ve literally coached thousands of students around the UK and US in person, and around the world through online coaching..

Who have transformed their movement patterns and how they think about their swing.

Anyway – as you can imagine, I’ll probably get a LOT of interest from this letter.

And that’s why I need you to..

Read This Next Part Carefully

This is not for everybody.

Here's who I can help:

I’m going to be very picky about who I work with.

After all, 100% of the risk is on ME because if you don’t think the solutions I give you are going to solve your problems, I’ve wasted my time and I don’t get paid.

So I’ll be taking a chance on YOU (which I’m more than happy to do if you meet my criteria.)

Here it is:

I can only really be of benefit to golfers..

- Who have been playing the game for a while (meaning not a beginner or newbie..)

- Who have somewhere to play and practice regularly..

- Who are enthusiastic, coachable and willing to implement the changes quickly..

- Who are technology savvy (can basically use an app and log in to a website..)

- Who have goals – like becoming club champion, or getting their handicap down to single figures or just becoming the smartest golfer in their group and being the best player they can be..

That’s it! Those are all my requirements.

This Opportunity Is Extremely Limited..

Because of the intense one-on-one time needed in order to provide you with the answers to your swing problems.

Therefore, it is physically impossible for me to work with lots of people.

Also, you should realize there is a very large demand for one-on-one help from me, and what I’m offering you is an incredible bargain.

After all, who wouldn’t want to..

Get Results First And Then Pay Later If They Feel like It?

Time is a factor!

Know that the window of opportunity won’t be open long.

In fact, by the time you read this letter you may find it’s already closed when you complete the sign up form.

If this is the case, enter your name and email to be put on the waiting list.

And also, please understand if you are able to sign up that I am not offering you a ‘sales pitch in disguise’.

I promise not to pressure or pester you in any way at all to stay.

In fact, if you feel I’ve wasted even one minute of your time, let me know and I’ll immediately write you a check for $100 and send it to you to compensate you for your time.

If you don't want to stay on after 48hrs, simply cancel and you will not be charged a penny!

So, with that being said.. If this opportunity sounds like it’s for you, here’s what I want you to do next..

Click on one of the buttons below.

Sign up for my online coaching program Swing Fix 3D and get a FREE Swing Analysis.

Take 48hrs to decide of you'd like to hire me as your coach for the next month so I can help you implement your new moves..

"James Sends Me An Analysis Back Every Time"..

See What Others Are Saying About Swing Fix 3D

"Changed My Game!"

"James' knowhow combined with the measurements from the app have helped me understand my swing in a more in-depth way. I know what to think about and FEEL now when I'm out on the course. 10 out of 10!"
- William R, USA

"Finally Have A Blueprint"

"I had multiple major issues going on in my swing. James helped me practice in a compartmentalized way so I work on my new moves without getting completely overwhelmed. I highly recommend him."
- Toby C, USA

"Game-changing Stuff!"

"Discovering James and this app has taken my home simulator practice to a new level. I also ask my playing partners to hold my phone to video my swing on the course. James sends me back an analysis every time"
- David L, USA

Try Swing Fix 3D For FREE


Lock in your $200 discount before the timer hits zero.

Are You Ready To Build A Better Golf Swing And Game…

Keep Reading To Learn More About Swing Fix 3D And How You Can Try It For FREE!

Now You Can Compare Two Swings With 3D Motion Data.

Quantify the difference between before and after swings or use a pro’s swing as a model reference..


See the swing motion from six different angles: Face-on, Down-the-Line, Behind, From Target, Above and Below


So you can stop guessing and start measuring the swing in inches and degrees


We will set goal ranges that provide you with immediate feedback to quantify and track your progress (i.e. More turn in the backswing, using chest and pelvis turn trackers)

Know Your Numbers, And Make Real Progress!

Don't Just Hit Balls..Practice To Improve.

So If You're Still Struggling With Your Golf Game or Simply Want Some Help To Get To The Next Level...

Swing Fix 3D Is For You!

Get The Ultimate Video Analysis Tool and Help From a Pro

Click below to learn how Brad transformed his swing in only 3 days!..

Meet Your Coach

James Parker, PGA

Originally from England James Parker moved to the US in 2008. He is a PGA Qualified Golf Professional and has been coaching golfers for 25 years.

He has given an estimated 25,000 lessons to students across the UK and US, his Online Academy has attracted members from 17 different countries, his Youtube channel has over 1 million views, he previously worked as a Senior Instructor under world renowned and Top 100 Instructor Mitchell Spearman and was also the Director of Player Development at Brookhaven CC in Dallas, TX.

He holds other certifications in Trackman Level 2, Boditrak Golf Ground Mechanics, V1 Pressure Mat, Sportsboxai as well as numerous European/PGA/Asian Tour Qualifying attempts and a two time US Open Final Qualifying contestant. His low round is 63 (-9).

He uses much of the latest technology to measure and analyze his students golf swings when meeting in-person including - Trackman, Sportsboxai, V1 Video & Pressure Mat Technology.

Online coaching is mainly conducted through SporstboxAI and V1 Golf.

James is The Director of Instruction at Ethos Golf Performance in Allen, TX, where he serves golfers across the DFW area.

Try Swing Fix 3D For FREE


Lock in your $200 discount before the timer hits zero.

"So What's The Catch?"

I know there are some websites out there that charge your card even if you don't like it and ask for a refund!

This isn't one of them.

I ask for your CC when you sign up because it keeps all the freebie seekers at bay.

If you like the service I provide, you don't have to do anything and your card will be charged after 48 hours - I am now your coach for the next 30 days!

If you don't like the FREE Analysis I send you, simply cancel before 48hrs and you will not be charged a penny.

It's about as close to Try Before you Buy as you can get on the interwebs..

You've Read This Far...

Now The Million Dollar Question Is...

Are You Next?

Some More Reviews

Here's My 'You're Crazy' Guarantee:

In case you're one of those people who (like me) just skips to the end of the page, here's the deal:

I'd like to help you build a more efficient and effective golf swing, so you can start enjoying this great game more!

I've partnered with the leading AI-technology company that is revolutionizing golf instruction! This way we don't have to meet in person for me to help you build the swing of your dreams..

All you need is a phone/tablet where you can download the app, and somewhere to video your golf swing.

I'm offering you unlimited coaching on a monthly basis, which normally costs $499. However, if you sign up before the timer hits zero, you can lock in a $200 discount.

However, before your card is charged you get 48hrs to send me your golf swing (all done through the app) and I'll start helping you improve. If you love it, and I think you will - don't do anything and your card will be charged for the first month after 48hrs.

However, within the first 48hrs you don't think this if for you - simply cancel and you WILL NOT BE CHARGED A PENNY!

And.. If you do sign up for unlimited coaching over the next month, and at any point you decide the information and guidance I give you isn't beneficial - then ask for a refund and I'll gladly give you your money back.

If you don't see the benefit in Swing Fix 3D, I don't want your money.

In fact, if you feel I’ve wasted even one minute of your time, let me know and I’ll immediately write you a check for an additional $100 and send it to you to compensate you for your time.

That's how confident I am that this will work for you!

So, CLICK THE BUTTON BELOW to try Swing Fix 3D for FREE for 48hrs!

You won't regret it.

Try Swing Fix 3D For FREE


Lock in your $200 discount before the timer hits zero.

Swing Fix 3D

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James Parker Golf Coaching
Ethos Golf Performance 1680 E. Stacy Rd. Suite 130 Allen, TX 75002
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